Powered by ProCure | HydroMax® Pervious Concrete
HydroMax® internal curing admixture reduces exposed drying of pervious concrete.
pervious concrete, internal curing, pervious concrete admixture
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Pervious concrete is stormwater control.

Find perfect balance.


Sustainable development goals can be achieved by observing natural systems. Pervious concrete mimics these ecosystems and provides a natural service upon which a growing society is dependent.


 A perfect balance of growth and sustainability.

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Quality is never an accident.


Pervious concrete professionals are able to design and produce mixes to a higher standard (+- 0.5 lb/cf). This gives the installer an advantage in placement and performance requirements. For more information on pervious mix designs, contact your local professional.

 The open pore structure of pervious concrete makes curing particularly important.

Hydration is the key.


Fresh pervious concrete exposed to the elements may lose water needed for hydration and may experience a loss of strength and future raveling of the pavement surface. HydroMax® internal curing admixture reduces exposed drying of pervious concrete and continuously hydrates cement for increased performance.

Hardened Pervious Concrete Test Results

Reducing Curing Requirements for Pervious Concrete with a Superabsorbent Polymer for Internal Curing. (John T. Kevern and Chris Farney)

Compressive Strength

7 Days
28 Days
1,240 psi
Control Mix

28% Increase
1,370 psi
Control Mix
33% Increase

Splitting Tensile Strength

28 Days
190 psi
Control Mix
24% Increase

"The addition of HydroMax in the pervious concrete reduced pour out times dramatically which reduced our delivery cost. With your help and guidance, a challenging project turned out very successful for both Arizona Materials and our customer. I will not hesitate to consult with you on future pervious projects and HydroMax will always be included in my pervious mixes."

Steve Clark - Quality Control Manager Arizona Materials LLC (sent to Concrete Management Solutions Inc.)

"HydroMax gives us a very consistent mix from the beginning of the load to the end. The finishers are very happy with our concrete and have no placement issues. One of our concerns with pervious concrete was proper curing. With ​​HydroMax, this is no longer a concern."

Brandon Brock - Sales/Quality Control Manager Low Country Concrete

"Since switching to HydroMax our cost of manufacturing pervious concrete has decreased significantly​ ​by not having loads returned due to dehydration and slump failure from use of other additives. This product does ​​what it was design to do by increasing cement hydration, slump consistency and workability. Definitely a Game Changer!"

​Jim Aldridge - General Manager​​ East Coast Concrete